Field Trip Leader Guidelines

  • Become familiar with the area prior to the trip.
  • Arrive at the meeting place a few minutes before the starting time.
  • Bring species checklist (if not using eBird), sign-in sheet, and BBC Brochure.
  • Greet participants as they arrive. Make sure everyone is introduced.
  • Briefly outline the field trip agenda - where you are going, likely species, ending time, etc. and find out if the group has any special needs or interests that can be accommodated.
  • Discuss the details - walking rigors, carpooling, cost sharing, rest stops, bathroom breaks, etc.
  • Remind everyone of birding ethics protocol or etiquette - do not play bird recordings without the leader's consent, avoid sudden or loud noises, unnecessary talking and gesturing, walking in front of the leader, etc.
  • Encourage everyone to report sightings or vocalizations.
  • Ask an experienced birder to take up the rear of the group so that those furthest from the leader will have an 'expert' to help them.
On the Trail
  • Keep the group moving at an appropriate pace.
  • Take time for everyone to see and/or hear the bird.
  • Point out song and call, interesting behaviors, plumage, habitat, etc.
  • Be inclusive of everyone in the group from the most to the least experienced.
  • Make a special effort to help novices. Give them time and attention.
Wrap Up
  • Obtain feedback from the group about their experience and answer any questions.
  • Let everyone know they can view future trips and events at
  • For non-BBC members, discuss the benefits of membership and distribute our brochure.
  • Complete a checklist of the birds seen on the trip:
Submit Checklist of Birds via eBird (preferred) username: BBCFTR
Email checklist of birds to Mary Shock,
Mail checklist to Mary Shock, 5203 Falls Rd. #18, Baltimore, MD 21210

Please also supply a brief summary of the trip to be published in Chip Notes. Email or mail this to Mary Shock -- addresses above.

Remember, birding is supposed to be fun.
Be enthusiastic!

To Baltimore Bird Club home page.