C Great Blue Heron | A American Crow R Green Heron | R Fish Crow C Black-crowned Night Heron | C Barn Swallow C Yellow-crowned Night Heron | C Carolina Chickadee R Turkey Vulture | C Tufted Titmouse U Wood Duck | A Carolina Wren R American Black Duck | C House Wren A Mallard | U Blue-gray Gnatcatcher R Red-shouldered Hawk | R Veery R Red-tailed Hawk | U Wood Thrush U American Kestrel | A American Robin R Killdeer | A Gray Catbird R Ring-billed Gull | C Northern Mockingbird U Herring Gull | R Cedar Waxwing A Rock Dove | A European Starling A Mourning Dove | U Yellow Warbler A Chimney Swift | R Louisiana Waterthrush R Ruby-throated Hummingbird | U Common Yellowthroat C Belted Kingfisher | U Eastern Towhee U Red-bellied Woodpecker | A Song Sparrow C Downy Woodpecker | A Northern Cardinal R Hairy Woodpecker | U Indigo Bunting C Northern Flicker | U Red-winged Blackbird R Pileated Woodpecker | A Common Grackle R Eastern Wood-Pewee | U Brown-headed Cowbird U Acadian Flycatcher | R Orchard Oriole R Great Crested Flycatcher | U Baltimore Oriole C Eastern Kingbird | C House Finch U Warbling Vireo | A American Goldfinch U Red-eyed Vireo | A House Sparrow U Blue Jay |
--Brian Rollfinke
Baltimore Bird Club
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