Summer Birds of the Jones Falls in Baltimore MD

The list below was compiled based on 10 walks along Baltimore City portions of the Jones Falls. The visits were made between May 30 and August 10, 1998, and totaled over 20 hours of observation. Only bird sightings within 100 yards of the Jones Falls were counted. Species abundance was classified according to the following system: Given the limited number of visits, this is not a complete list but is meant as a general birding guide. The abundance ratings should give birders an indication of how likely they are to encounter various species (during Summer, in suitable habitat) along the Jones Falls.
 C Great Blue Heron             |      A American Crow
 R Green Heron                  |      R Fish Crow
 C Black-crowned Night Heron    |      C Barn Swallow
 C Yellow-crowned Night Heron   |      C Carolina Chickadee
 R Turkey Vulture               |      C Tufted Titmouse
 U Wood Duck                    |      A Carolina Wren
 R American Black Duck          |      C House Wren
 A Mallard                      |      U Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
 R Red-shouldered Hawk          |      R Veery
 R Red-tailed Hawk              |      U Wood Thrush
 U American Kestrel             |      A American Robin
 R Killdeer                     |      A Gray Catbird
 R Ring-billed Gull             |      C Northern Mockingbird
 U Herring Gull                 |      R Cedar Waxwing
 A Rock Dove                    |      A European Starling
 A Mourning Dove                |      U Yellow Warbler
 A Chimney Swift                |      R Louisiana Waterthrush
 R Ruby-throated Hummingbird    |      U Common Yellowthroat
 C Belted Kingfisher            |      U Eastern Towhee
 U Red-bellied Woodpecker       |      A Song Sparrow
 C Downy Woodpecker             |      A Northern Cardinal
 R Hairy Woodpecker             |      U Indigo Bunting
 C Northern Flicker             |      U Red-winged Blackbird
 R Pileated Woodpecker          |      A Common Grackle
 R Eastern Wood-Pewee           |      U Brown-headed Cowbird
 U Acadian Flycatcher           |      R Orchard Oriole
 R Great Crested Flycatcher     |      U Baltimore Oriole
 C Eastern Kingbird             |      C House Finch
 U Warbling Vireo               |      A American Goldfinch
 U Red-eyed Vireo               |      A House Sparrow
 U Blue Jay                     |

--Brian Rollfinke
Baltimore Bird Club

To Brian Rollfinke's Good Birding Spots along the the Jones Falls
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