Baltimore Bird Club Activities, 2025
Jan 1 (Wed) 8:30 AM-11:30 AM. NEW YEAR'S DAY LOCH RAVEN - OLD PICNIC AREA. Start off the New Year birding at Old Picnic Area Trail section of Loch Raven Reservoir. The trail is unpaved and flat. Expect waterfowl, winter passerines, and raptors. RSVP to leader required.
Leader: Joe Corcoran, , 667-231-6453.
*Directions to Loch Raven - Old Picnic Area: From Baltimore Beltway, take exit 27B toward Dulaney Valley Road. After crossing the bridge, you bear to the right and stay on Dulaney Valley Road. After you pass the Loch Raven Fishing Center entrance on the right, you proceed to the next road on the right. This is the entrance to what old-timers call the picnic area. A little way in, there is a parking area on the left. GPS Pin: 39.465560, -76.562824.
Jan 4 (Sat) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. HANLON PARK. One of the best semi-secret spots for winter waterfowl. Expect lots of redheads and a mix of other ducks, possibly including some surprises. We'll mostly follow the edge of the lake: the trail is level and paved below a moderate grassy slope. Scopes useful. Meet along Hilton St. side of the lake. RSVP required.
Leader: Toby Pessoa Gingerich, .
*Directions to Hanlon Park: From I-83: Take exit 6 for Druid Park Lake Drive, continue around the south edge of Druid Hill Park for 1.2 miles, then turn left on Liberty Heights Ave. Continue another 1.2 miles, then turn left on Hilton St. Park along Springdale Ave to the right. GPS Pin: 39.322170, -76.672421.
*Transit Directions to Hanlon Park: Accessible by CityLink LIME. Get down at Liberty Heights avenue and Hilton street bus stop. Walk short distance south on Hilton street to rendezvous point.
Jan 5 (Sun) Dawn-Dusk. LOCH RAVEN CHRISTMAS COUNT. Birders of all levels of expertise or experience are welcome and urged to participate in this annual post-migration bird census in northern Baltimore County. The area being surveyed is in a 15-mile diameter circle touching Lake Roland on the south, Hereford on the north, and centered on Cockeysville. This is a count of all birds seen or heard in the count circle. Count totals will be submitted to the National Audubon Society for nationwide publication. Contact compiler for area assignment with one of the sector coordinators.
Compiler: Libby Errickson, .
RESCHEDULED: Jan 8 (Wed) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. Due to potentially hazardous trail/sidewalk conditions, we are rescheduling the Fort McHenry walk from 1/8/2025 to 1/15/2025. Thank you.
UPDATED: Jan 11 (Sat) 8:30 AM-11:00 AM. HABITAT TOUR: CYLBURN ARBORETUM. Note: this event was originally scheduled to begin at 8:00 AM, but the start time has been changed to 8:30 AM.
A former private estate, Cylburn Arboretum has been a Baltimore City property since 1942, and open to the public as a park in 1954. While many visitors know Cylburn Arboretum for its manicured gardens, historic mansion, or the more modern Vollmer Center and new Nature Education Center, the arboretum is also home to more than 200 acres of forested natural areas accessible by a natural surface trail system. The tree canopy at Cylburn formerly included large stands of mature ash trees, and is currently dominated by tulip poplar and American beech, with significant presence of maple, oak, and hickory species. In recent years, the forest at Cylburn has been subject to numerous stressors, including severe impacts from emerald ash borer; future threats, including beech leaf disease, are likely to pose additional challenges. During this habitat walk, we’ll discuss current conditions and plans for long-term management, including ongoing research studies at the arboretum, and a new forest management plan developed by Baltimore City Forestry. Please RSVP.
Leader: Dave Votta, .
*Directions to Cylburn Arboretum: From I-83 JFX, take Northern Parkway Exit West. Go about.5 mile uphill to the traffic light, turn left on Greenspring Ave. Go about.25 mile, just past first intersection, and turn left through stone gate entrance into Cylburn grounds. Follow the drive to the parking lot, most of the way around the circle in front of Vollmer Center. Meet in the lot. GPS Pin: 39.352397, -76.655086.
*Transit Directions to Cylburn Arboretum: Accessible by Local Bus #91 which runs between Mondawmin Metro Station and Mt. Sinai Hopsital. Several CityLink routes and Metro connect to Mondawmin Metro Station. When on #91, get off at bus stop - Cylburn avenue and Greenspring avenue. Walk east around 4 minutes (0.2 miles).
RESCHEDULED: Jan 12 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:30 AM. BIRDING BY CANOE AT DAYS COVE. This trip has been moved to January 26.
Jan 12 (Sun) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot.
GPS Pin: 39.348719, -76.370580.
*Transit Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: Accessible by LocalLink #59. Get down at Biscayne Bay boulevard and Eastern avenue bus stop. Walk 12 minutes (0.6 miles) along Marshy Point Road till you reach the center.
Jan 15 (Wed) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and the walk will be rescheduled to January 15. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped-off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please contact the walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
POSTPONED: Jan 18 (Sat) 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. SHRIKE HUNT!. This event has been put off to a later date.
Jan 18 (Sat) 8:00 AM-9:30 AM. DRUID HILL PARK. Join Audubon, the Baltimore Bird Club, and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species awaits. For information, contact Audubon at Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Druid Hill Park: For Audubon tours, contact to register and get directions.
*Transit Directions to Druid Hill Park: Accessible by CityLink YELLOW. Get down at Cloverdale Rd. and Madison Ave. stop. Walk 1 block north on Madison and cross Druid Lake Drive to Swann Drive. Continue for 0.3 mi. then continue right onto East Dr. Meeting point is across from the administration buidling in 0.5 mi.
POSTPONED: Jan 18 (Sat) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. This event has been moved to January 25.
RESCHEDULED: Jan 19 (Sun) 4:00 PM-7:00 PM. COVERED DISH DINNER: A WORLD ON THE WING - THE GLOBAL ODYSSEY OF MIGRATORY BIRDS. The Covered Dish Dinner, which was was postponed due to predicted snow, has has been rescheduled for February 23.
Jan 25 (Sat) 8:00 AM-9:30 AM. PATTERSON PARK. Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full of surprises. For directions, contact Audubon at Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Patterson Park: Contact to register and get directions.
Jan 25 (Sat) 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. CHESAPEAKE BAY ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER. We will be looking for ducks, geese, swans, sparrows, Bald Eagles, and Brown-headed Nuthatches. Paths are unpaved and level. Trip canceled in snow, rain, or slippery conditions. Meet at Chesapeake Environmental Center located in Grasonville at 9:00 AM.
Leader: Joe Corcoran, or 667-231-6453.
*Directions to Chesapeake Environmental Center: Merge onto I-97 S. Merge onto US-301 N/US-50 E toward Annapolis/Bay Bridge. Take exit 43A for MD-18/Main St toward Grasonville. Turn left onto MD-18 E/Main St. Turn right onto Perry’s Corner Rd. Turn right onto Discovery Ln. The destination will be on the left. Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, 600 Discovery Ln, Grasonville, MD 21638. GPS Pin: 38.947723, -76.229109 .
Jan 25 (Sat) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and the walk will be rescheduled to January 25. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped-off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please contact the walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Ben Poscover, 410-905-8961.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Jan 26 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. MIDDLE BRANCH ROUND-UP. This walk will feature shorter stops at multiple hotspots along the Patapsco River’s Middle Branch, including Cherry Hill Park, Middle Branch Park, and Ferry Bar Park, with additional stops as time permits. Trip limited to 15 participants; RSVP required. Contact leader for directions and detailed itinerary.
Leader: Nico Sarbanes, .
Feb 1 (Sat) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. DRUID HILL PARK. Easy walk through the southern half of the park, with an emphasis on waterfowl on the lake. Also expect winter passerines and hopefully some raptors. Scope useful. Meet at Swann Dr. entrance. RSVP required.
Leader: Toby Pessoa Gingerich, .
*Directions to Druid Hill Park: Directions to Swann Dr. entrance: from I-83, take the Druid Park Lake Dr. exit (west), then take the first right into the park on Swann Dr. Park along the road immediately after turning in. GPS Pin: 39.315842125284284, -76.64090229906843.
*Transit Directions to Druid Hill Park: Accessible by CityLink YELLOW. Get down at Cloverdale Rd. and Madison Ave. bus stop. Walk 1 minute north on Madison and cross Druid Lake Dr. to get onto Swann Drive. Continue walking to rendezvous point.
Feb 2 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. IRVINE NATURE CENTER. A great spot for sparrows, raptors, and other birds of winter. Canceled if rain or winds. A fee of $5 per person is required. RSVP to leader required.
Leader: Mark Linardi, 443-834-8413 or .
*Directions to Irvine Nature Center: Irvine Nature Center, 11201 Garrison Forest Rd., Owings Mills. From Beltway, I-695, take Exit 20 for Reisterstown Rd, MD-140 north toward Garrison. Turn right onto Greenspring Valley Rd. Turn left onto Garrison Forest Rd. and go 2.1 miles. The driveway to Irvine is on the right. GPS Pin: 39.433029, -76.762759.
Feb 5 (Wed) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and the walk will be rescheduled to February 12. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped-off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please contact the walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Feb 8 (Sat) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. HABITAT TOUR: ECCLESTON WETLAND RESTORATION SITE. The Eccleston Restoration project is an experimental stream and wetland restoration / rewilding project developed to offset environmental impacts from the I95 electronic toll lanes through Harford County. It was developed in close consultation with local stakeholders and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to preserve, restore and enhance habitats for many species, including resident and migratory birds, wild brown trout, and native aquatic species. Construction was completed in the Fall of 2022 following extensive natural resources study since 2017. It is protected forever by a conservation easement held by the North American Land Trust. Waterproof or resistant ankle boots with good tread are recommended. Tall vegetation, wet conditions, and rough terrain are common, but many flat areas and mowed paths are available for visitors who don’t wish to get into the wetland. Visitors should expect to check for ticks at this time of year following the visit, and wear appropriate field attire.
Leader: Tim Carney, .
*Directions to Eccleston Wetland Restoration Site: From the north half of 695, get off at the Park Heights exit and proceed north. Turn left onto Greenspring Valley Road, then left immediately into the stone construction access road and park in the grass / mulch lot available there at the southwest corner of the intersection. Additional paved / low ground clearance vehicle parking is available on the shoulder of Park Heights or Greenspring Valley. GPS Pin: 39.41048, -76.73124.
Feb 9 (Sun) 7:30 AM-10:30 AM. SERENITY RIDGE. Please join Serenity Ridge and Baltimore Bird Club for a partnered habitat hike and birding walk through the trails of Serenity Ridge. Serenity Ridge has an impressive array of fields, old field, and primary riparian forest habitats. There are over 3 miles of trails over somewhat hilly terrain. Trails are a mix of gravel, mowed grass, and dirt (which may be muddy), and we may encounter a couple of small stream crossings. Expect a variety of birds, including raptors and sparrows. RSVP required.
Leader: Frank Marenghi, .
*Directions to Serenity Ridge: 2406 Ridge Road, Windsor Mill, MD 21244: ** Ridge Road NOT Ritter Road --> people/Map Apps have been mixing these two roads up! From I-695: Follow I-695 to Security Blvd in Woodlawn. Take exit 17 (Woodlawn) from I-695 and head west towards Rolling Road. Follow Security Blvd for 0.4 miles and turn right onto Rolling Road. Keep Straight on Rolling Road until you pass the BP gas station and Walgreens to make a left onto Dogwood Rd. Then make a right onto Ridge Rd and your destination will be on your left (after Diamond Ridge golf course which will be on your right). From MD-32 West, take exit 16A to merge onto US-29 N/Columbia Pike toward Columbia/Town Center. Follow US-29 N until you reach Rogers Ave. Make a left onto Rodgers Ave and continue to the traffic circle and the 3rd exit onto Old Frederick Rd. Continue to Hollifield Road, drive to the stop sign and make a right onto Dogwood for 1.0 mile and then make a left onto Ridge Road and your destination will be on your left. GPS Pin: 39.32883, -76.788751.
Feb 9 (Sun) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot.
GPS Pin: 39.348719, -76.370580.
*Transit Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: Accessible by LocalLink #59. Get down at Biscayne Bay boulevard and Eastern avenue bus stop. Walk 12 minutes (0.6 miles) along Marshy Point Road till you reach the center.
Feb 9 (Sun) 4:30 PM-6:30 PM. HOPEWELL RECREATION COMPLEX. Located about 5 miles over the Maryland-Pennsylvania border in York County, PA, Hopewell Area Recreation Complex is located at the site of the old York County Sanitary Landfill. Since 2006, the site has been managed through a partnership between the York County Solid Waste Authority and the PA Game Commission as an expansive and impressive tract of grassland wildlife habitat. In the winter, it is one of very few reliable locations for Short-eared Owls near Baltimore County. On this late afternoon walk, expect to start by birding the grasslands for wintering diurnal species such as Eastern Meadowlark, Horned Lark, and wintering sparrows. Raptors such as American Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawk, and Northern Harrier are regularly seen hunting over the open habitat. A small patch of forest near the park’s ball fields hosts a variety of woodland species, including a family of Red-headed Woodpeckers that has made the park their year-round home for over a decade. At sunset, we will watch for Short-eared Owls to emerge from their daytime grassland roosts and begin their evening hunting. Expect to do 1-2 miles or less of walking through relatively flat, open terrain, with some slightly wet areas possible. The open landscape can be windy and we’ll be there as it gets dark so be sure to dress warmly. Port-a-potties are available in the main parking lot. Meet at 4:30 pm in the park’s main parking lot on the west side of Althouse School Rd near the ball fields. Walk will be rescheduled or canceled in the event of inclement weather.
Leader: Libby Errickson, .
*Directions to Hopewell Recreation Complex: From points south, continue onto I-83N into Pennsylvania. Take exit 4 to merge onto PA-851 E. Continue on PA-851 E for approximately 3 miles. Make a left onto T552/Zeigler School Road. After approximately 1 mile, this road will become Althouse School Road. After approximately 0.5 miles, the meeting place will be on left. GPS Pin: 39.78169, -76.60302.
Feb 15 (Sat) 8:00 AM-9:30 AM. DRUID HILL PARK. Join Audubon, the Baltimore Bird Club, and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species awaits. For information, contact Audubon at Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Druid Hill Park: For Audubon tours, contact to register and get directions.
*Transit Directions to Druid Hill Park: Accessible by CityLink YELLOW. Get down at Cloverdale Rd. and Madison Ave. stop. Walk 1 block north on Madison and cross Druid Lake Drive to Swann Drive. Continue for 0.3 mi. then continue right onto East Dr. Meeting point is across from the administration buidling in 0.5 mi.
Feb 15 (Sat) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and the walk will be rescheduled to February 22. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped-off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please contact the walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Feb 15 (Sat) 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. PATUXENT RIVER WINTER WATERFOWL. See migrating waterfowl hotspots on a guided river tour. Join us for a winter waterfowl birding trip up the Patuxent on Patuxent River Park's research boat. Bring binoculars and dress for the weather. Meet at Hallowing Point Boat Ramp Parking Lot - 6904 Hallowing Lane, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. $12 cost for boat usage.
Leader: Alex Pellegrini, .
*Directions to Patuxent River Park: Merge onto I-97 S. Merge onto US-301 N/US-50 E toward Annapolis/Bay Bridge. Take Exit 22 for MD-665 E/Riva Road. Continue onto MD-665 E, staying in the right two lanes and following signs for MD-2/Solomons Island Rd. Turn right onto MD-2 S/Solomons Island Rd. After approximately 11 miles, you will pass a traffic circle. Take the 3rd exit to continue on MD-2 S/Solomons Island Rd. After approximately another 6 miles, you will pass another traffic circle. Take the 2nd exit to continue on MD-2 S/Solomons Island Rd. After another 6 miles, merge onto MD-2 S/MD-4 S/Solomons Island Rd. After approximately 9 miles, make a slight right to merge onto MD-231 W/Hallowing Point Road. Continue for approximately 5 miles and then turn left onto Hallowing Ln. After 0.1 mile, turn right to stay on Hallowing Ln. The boat ramp will be on the left. GPS Pin: 38.51040, -76.66431.
POSTPONED: Feb 16 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. GWYNNS FALLS/LEAKIN PARK. This event has been rescheduled for February 23.
Feb 16 (Sun) 9:00 AM-11:00 AM. FAMILY BIRDING: OWLS. Look for the BBC table near the parking lot for a chance to see some of these reclusive feathered friends up close!
Leader: Daisy Sudano, .
*Directions to Marshy Point: From Beltway take I-83 North to Exit 20B (Shawan Road West). Follow Shawan Road to the first light, Beaver Dam Road, and turn left. Immediately after making the left onto Beaver Dam Road, there will be a fork in the road. Take the right fork. Follow the driveway up to the parking lot.
GPS Pin: 39.348719, -76.370580.
*Transit Directions to Marshy Point: Accessible by LocalLink #59. Get down at Biscayne Bay boulevard and Eastern avenue bus stop. Walk 12 minutes (0.6 miles) along Marshy Point Road till you reach the center.
RESCHEDULED: Feb 18 (Tue) 7:00 PM-8:30 PM. BBC Board Meeting. While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Contact any club officer or board member for details. Online only.
Feb 22 (Sat) 8:00 AM-Feb 23 (Sun)N/A. OCEAN CITY WEEKEND. We will meet at Ocean City inlet 8:00 Saturday 2/22. After that drive to Hoopers restaurant parking lot, west OC pond and maybe some other stops on way to Assateague Island National Seashore. Depending on weather we may do some short walks there. Then back to inlet by 1:00 or 2:00. Will go to Inlet Sunday morning 2/23 but no plans after that.
Leader: John Landers, 410-292-9549.
*Directions to Ocean City Area: We will meet at Ocean City inlet 8:00 Saturday 2/24. After that drive to Hoopers restaurant parking lot, west OC pond and maybe some other stops on way to Assateague Island National Seashore. Depending on weather we may do some short walks there. Then back to inlet by 1:00 or 2:00. Will go to Inlet Sunday morning 2/25 but no plans after that. GPS Pin: 38.3250, -75.0873.
Feb 22 (Sat) 8:00 AM-9:30 AM. PATTERSON PARK. Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full of surprises. For directions, contact Audubon at Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Patterson Park: Contact to register and get directions.
Feb 22 (Sat) 6:00 PM-7:00 PM. BAUERS FARM ROAD. Join us for a chance to see woodcocks performing their flight displays as they enter breeding season. Though generally secretive and elusive birds, they have been reliable here during late winter in recent years, and this is probably the easiest spot to see them. You don't even need to leave your car - but you should for the full experience! Displays usually begin ~30 minutes after sunset (5:52 PM on 2/22) and usually occur in conjunction with clear skies, minimal wind, and temperatures above freezing. The trip will be canceled if these conditions are not met.
Leaders: Joe Corcoran and Alex Pellegrini. Interested folks should RSVP to Joe.
*Directions to Bauers Farm Road: From Baltimore Beltway I-695 take Exit 42, North Point Boulevard toward Sparrows Point. Make an immediate left onto Bethlehem Rd., and keep right onto North Point Rd. Go through the town of Edgemere and keep going. Approximately 0.25 miles after you pass Shaws Road (with last grouping of houses), make a left onto Bauers Farm Road. Keep going for approximately 500 feet and park along the road on the right. The main display field will be on the left. GPS Pin: 39.2314230, -76.4304585.
RESCHEDULED: Feb 23 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. GWYNNS FALLS/LEAKIN PARK. This event was originally scheduled for February 16. Please join us for birding in Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park; a 1,200 acre wilderness park in west Baltimore City. The park contains mature and secondary forest as well as riparian habitats and some limited field habitat. Meet at the Winans Meadows parking lot at 4500 Franklintown Road, 21229.
Leader: Elise and Paul Kreiss, (410) 367-8194, or . It is recommended that you register by email at , so that you may be updated in case of changes.
*Directions to Leakin Park: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 16 Route I-70 towards Baltimore to end – just before the very end, take the ramp on the right, which will loop around onto Security Boulevard. Take a right at the first light onto Forest Park, then right onto Franklintown Road. Go about 1.4 miles. The parking lot entrance will be on your left. GPS Pin: 39.304603, -76.693835.
*Transit Directions to Leakin Park: Accessible by LocalLink route #79. Get down at Clifton Rd. and Mondawmin Ave. stop, head south on Talbot Ave, in 1 block turn left to stay on Talbot, then sharp right onto Windsor Mill Rd. In 0.3 mi, turn left onto Dickeyville Trail after crossing the bridge. In 0.3 mi, continue onto Wetheredsville Rd., turn right in 0.2 mi onto Stream Trail (uphill with the railing) and follow paved trail for 0.3 miles to the parking lot.
Feb 23 (Sun) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. SOUTHWEST AREA PARK. In this transitional season, expect to see water birds, sparrows, kinglets, and maybe a surprise or two. Meet at the Boat Launch area.
Leader: Tom Crusse and Laura Lechtzin, .
*Directions to Southwest Area Park: From downtown Baltimore: Take MD-295 S. Take the Annapolis Rd exit. Turn left onto Annapolis Rd. Turn right onto Wegworth Ln. Turn left onto Mallview Rd. Turn right onto W Patapsco Ave. Make a U-turn at Stranden Rd. Turn right onto MD-648 S/Annapolis Rd. Turn left onto Georgia Ave. Continue straight onto Klunk Drive. Turn left to stay on Klunk Dr. Make first right and follow road to boat ramp. From North and east of Baltimore- I-95 South. Merge onto I-895 South. Go through tunnel and take exit 7 merge onto Potee Street South. Turn right onto W Patapsco Ave. Turn left onto Lily Ave. Continue onto Violet Ave. Turn left onto Annapolis Rd. Turn left onto Georgia Ave. Continue straight onto Klunk Dr. Turn left to stay on Klunk Dr. Make first right and follow road to boat ramp. From Beltway south or west side: I-695 S. Take exit 9 for Hollins Ferry Rd toward Lansdowne. Keep right at the fork and merge onto Hollins Ferry Rd. Turn right onto Daisy Ave. Turn right onto Annapolis Rd. Turn left onto Georgia Ave. Continue straight onto Klunk Dr. Turn left to stay on Klunk Dr. Make first right and follow road to boat ramp. GPS Pin: 39.237267, -76.623128.
*Transit Directions to Southwest Area Park: Accessible by Light Rail. Use Baltimore Highland station with a 15 minute (3/4 mile) walk down Klunk drive all the way down to the boat ramp.
RESCHEDULED: Feb 23 (Sun) 4:00 PM-7:00 PM. COVERED DISH DINNER: A WORLD ON THE WING - THE GLOBAL ODYSSEY OF MIGRATORY BIRDS. This event had originally been scheduled for January 19 but was postponed twice due to snow -- this time we're sure!
Even as scientists make astounding discoveries about the navigational and physiological feats that enable migratory birds to cross immense oceans or fly above the highest mountains, go weeks without sleep or remain in unbroken flight for months at a stretch, humans have brought many migrants to the brink. Based on his bestselling new book A World on the Wing, author and researcher Scott Weidensaul will take us around the globe -- with researchers in the lab probing the limits of what migrating birds can do, to the shores of the Yellow Sea in China, or the remote mountains of northeastern India where tribal villages saved the greatest gathering of falcons on the planet -- to learn how people are fighting to understand and save the world's great bird migrations.
All Baltimore Bird Club members are invited to the Baltimore Bird Club Annual Covered Dish Dinner and Lecture held annually at the Vollmer Center at Cylburn Arboretum.
Please sign up for your contribution to the supper on The 'Coordinator Last Name' is Abbott. The 'Password' is 9815 -- or use the direct link
Leader: Devi Abbott, , 410.308.0079 (texts preferred).
*Directions to Cylburn Arboretum: Vollmer Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, go south on I-83 Jones Falls Expressway. Take Northern Parkway Exit west (right). Go about ½ mile up hill to traffic light, turn left on Greenspring Avenue. Go about ¼ mile, just past first road intersection, and turn left through stone gate entrance into Cylburn Arboretum grounds. Follow the drive to circle in front of the Vollmer Center building. Go most of the way around the circle to enter the parking area, and then and walk over to the Vollmer Center. GPS Pin: 39.352076, -76.655343.
MARCH 2025
CANCELED: Mar 1 (Sat) 6:00PM-7:00PM. BAUERS FARM ROAD. This event has been canceled because the weather outlook for Saturday does not look suitable for seeing woodcocks. We hope we can reschedule.
Mar 5 (Wed) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to March 12. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Mar 8 (Sat) 4:00PM-6:00PM. SATURDAY AFTERNOON LECTURE: ITALIAN BIRDS. This month instead of our usual Tuesday Evening Lecture at Cylburn we will be hosing a Saturday Afternoon Lecture, which will be online only, via ZOOM. Marco Valtriani, a biologist with an ornithology major from the University of Pisa, specializes in the natural and cultural history of the Mediterranean, above all his native Italy. He regularly comes across the quip "Nothing to see in Italy but sparrows," even from the birding community. Marco is on a mission to prove them wrong. As a natural north-south bridge between Europe and Africa, Italy is a vitally important region for more than 550 bird species, both migrants and breeders. More than 20% of the "Boot" is under environmental protection, and those areas include many of the most famous reserves and sanctuaries in all of Europe, featuring the greatest diversity of wildlife and habitats anywhere in the European Union. That diversity is due in part to Italy's astounding range of habitats, created by a unique set of geological and climatic conditions. Equally crucial, though, is the venerable history of human influence on this complex land. In Italy, as almost nowhere else, the natural and the cultural merge. Historic cities like Rome, Venice, and Florence are set in spectacular landscapes that they have helped forge over the centuries. These varied landscapes, home to some of the rarest birds in Europe, offer a lifetime's worth of birding. Join us in this lecture to go on a discovery tour of birding in Italy!
Here is the Zoom Link for the lecture.
Mar 9 (Sun) 9:00AM-11:00AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful. Leaders: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot. GPS Pin: 39.348694, -76.370556.
Mar 15 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to March 22. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule. Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Mar 16 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. SERENITY RIDGE. Please join Serenity Ridge and Baltimore Bird Club for a partnered habitat hike and birding walk through the trails of Serenity Ridge. Serenity Ridge has an impressive array of fields, old field, and primary riparian forest habitats. There are over 3 miles of trails over somewhat hilly terrain. Trails are a mix of gravel, mowed grass, and dirt (which may be muddy), and we may encounter a couple of small stream crossings. Expect a variety of birds, including raptors and sparrows. RSVP required.
Leader: Frank Marenghi, .
*Directions to Serenity Ridge: 2406 Ridge Road, Windsor Mill, MD 21244: ** Ridge Road NOT Ritter Road --> people/Map Apps have been mixing these two roads up! From I-695: Follow I-695 to Security Blvd in Woodlawn. Take exit 17 (Woodlawn) from I-695 and head west towards Rolling Road. Follow Security Blvd for 0.4 miles and turn right onto Rolling Road. Keep Straight on Rolling Road until you pass the BP gas station and Walgreens to make a left onto Dogwood Rd. Then make a right onto Ridge Rd and your destination will be on your left (after Diamond Ridge golf course which will be on your right). From MD-32 West, take exit 16A to merge onto US-29 N/Columbia Pike toward Columbia/Town Center. Follow US-29 N until you reach Rogers Ave. Make a left onto Rodgers Ave and continue to the traffic circle and the 3rd exit onto Old Frederick Rd. Continue to Hollifield Road, drive to the stop sign and make a right onto Dogwood for 1.0 mile and then make a left onto Ridge Road and your destination will be on your left. GPS Pin: 39.32883, -76.788751.
Mar 18 (Tue) 7:00PM-9:00PM. BBC BOARD MEETING. While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Contact any club officer or board member for details.
Mar 22 (Sat) 8:00AM-11:00AM. GULLS ON BACK RIVER. Late March/early April is the best time to pick out Black-headed Gulls and Little Gulls from the large flocks of Bonaparte's Gulls on Back River. We'll scope these flocks from the south end of Cox's Point Park and hopefully find both species in the mix, and also explain how to separate them from the Bonaparte's. In addition to the "hooded" gulls, we'll also look for early swallows, migrating waterfowl, and whatever else is flying up and down the river.
Leader: Tim Carney, .
*Directions to Cox's Point Park: Cox's Point Park. GPS Pin: 39.29578, -76.46577.
Mar 22 (Sat) 8:00AM-9:30AM. DRUID HILL PARK. Join Audubon, the Baltimore Bird Club, and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species awaits. For information, contact Audubon at .
Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Druid Hill Park: For Audubon tours, contact to register and get directions.
*Transit Directions to Druid Hill Park: Accessible by CityLink YELLOW. Get down at Cloverdale Rd. and Madison Ave. stop. Walk 1 block north on Madison and cross Druid Lake Drive to Swann Drive. Continue for 0.3 mi. then continue right onto East Dr. Meeting point is across from the administration buidling in 0.5 mi.
Mar 23 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. NORTH POINT STATE PARK. Varied habitats, including marsh, woods, and beach. Expect to see waterfowl, sparrows, and raptors. Trails are level but unpaved. Boots advised if we have had a lot of rain. New birders welcome! Entrance fee is $3 unless you have a state park pass. RSVP to leader required.
Leader: Charisma Burrows, .
*Directions to North Point: From Baltimore Beltway, I-695 take Exit 42, North Point Boulevard, toward Sparrows Point. Make an immediate left onto Bethlehem Rd., and keep right onto North Point Rd. Go through the town of Edgemere and keep going, past Millers Island Rd., until you see the signs for North Point State Park on the left. Go in the entrance, parking will be on left after toll kiosk. Please RSVP. GPS Pin: 39.220991, -76.430216.
Mar 23 (Sun) 1:30 PM-3:30 PM. FAMILY BIRDING: CYLBURN ARBORETUM. "Song Birds and Daffodils." Come enjoy a walk to see the daffodils in bloom and the return of the song birds. Meet by the Greenhouse Classroom. RSVP required.
Leader: Daisy Sudano, .
*Directions to Cylburn Arboretum: From I-83 JFX, take Northern Parkway Exit West. Go about.5 mile uphill to the traffic light, turn left on Greenspring Ave. Go about.25 mile, just past first intersection, and turn left through stone gate entrance into Cylburn grounds. Follow the drive to the parking lot, most of the way around the circle in front of Vollmer Center. Go through first parking lot and continue north, following sign to Greenhouse Classroom. Park in lot opposite Greenhouse Classroom. Meet by the Greenhouse Classroom. GPS Pin: 39.352397, -76.655086.
Mar 29 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. YELLOW CROWNED NIGHT HERON ALONG JONES FALLS. Did you know Yellow-crowned night herons nest along the Jones Falls? This walk will focus on these annual city breeders, observing them as they build and tend their nests. We'll start by looking along the stretch of river near the Streetcar Museum, then walk north along the Jones Falls Trail to Horseshoe Falls - another known breeding location. Along the way we'll look for other year-round residents and early migrants. The path is flat and paved except for a short section down to Horseshoe Falls, which participants can opt out of, with a total distance of about 2 miles. Park at the Baltimore Streetcar Museum or along Falls Rd next to it.
Leader: Sam Tillman, .
Mar 29 (Sat) 8:00AM-9:30AM. PATTERSON PARK. Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full of surprises. For directions, contact Audubon at . Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Patterson Park: From downtown Baltimore, drive east on Pratt Street until you dead end at South Patterson Park Avenue. Turn right onto S. Patterson Park Avenue. Turn left on Eastern Ave. Park on Eastern Ave near the 2500-2600 block. The nearest cross street is Luzerne Ave. Follow paths into the park heading north. The boat lake is west of the baseball fields. We will meet at the south end, which is closest to Eastern Ave. GPS Pin: 39.287061, -76.580573.
Mar 30 (Sun) 8:30AM-11:00AM. HYDES ROAD PARK. Hydes Road Park is a 44-acre athletic field in Glen Arm. Three sides of the park are bordered with reforestation habitat. Beavers recently dammed the creek in the southwest corner of the park, creating a wetland that attracted several species of aquatic birds that were new to the park list. However, this park is best known for its proclivity to attract a wide variety of sparrows. We'll focus on sparrows and hope to find less common species like Lincoln's Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, or something even rarer. Muck boots recommended but not essential.
Leader: Brian Rollfinke, .
*Directions to Hydes Road Park: From Baltimore/I695 Beltway, take Harford Road (MD 147) north, and 4.4 mi. north of I695, turn left on Long Green Pike (MD 165). Continue 3.8 mi, turn left onto Hydes Road, and the parking lot will be on your left in 1/4 mile. From other directions, use GPS coordinates. GPS Pin: 39.48286, -76.48431.
APRIL 2025
Apr 1 (Tue) 7:00PM-9:00PM. TUESDAY EVENING LECTURE: SHOREBIRDS 101 - AN INTRODUCTORY OVERVIEW. Gene Scarpulla's presentation will concentrate on how to get started with shorebird identification and will be appropriate for new birders; for experienced birders who have never gotten around to figuring out shorebirds; and for birders of all levels who need a brush-up in preparation for the upcoming shorebird migration season. Gene is retired after working 30 years at the City of Baltimore's Reservoir Natural Resources Section, his last eight years serving as the City's Watershed Manager, in charge of Loch Raven, Prettyboy, and Liberty watersheds. He also serves as editor of both
Maryland Birdlife and The Maryland Entomologist. A self professed Gull Guru, he has honed his expertise with shorebird identification over several years with weekly trips to the Delaware Bayshore and Hart-Miller Island and will review the different groups and species of shorebirds found in Maryland, with tips on their identification.
*Directions to Greenhouse Classroom, Cylburn Arboretum: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, go south on I-83 Jones Falls Expressway. Take Northern Parkway Exit west (right). Go about .5 mile up the hill to the traffic light, turn left on Greenspring Avenue. Go about .25 mile, just past first Rd. intersection, and turn left through stone gate entrance into Cylburn Arboretum grounds. Follow the drive to circle in front of the Vollmer Center building. Go most of the way around the circle to enter the parking area. Go through first parking lot and continue north, following sign to Greenhouse Classroom. Park in lot opposite Greenhouse Classroom. GPS Pin: 39.35364, -76.65397.
*Transit Directions to Greenhouse Classroom, Cylburn Arboretum: Accessible by Local Bus #91 which runs between Mondawmin Metro Station and Mt. Sinai Hopsital. Several CityLink routes and Metro connect to Mondawmin Metro Station. When on #91, get off at bus stop - Cylburn avenue and Greenspring avenue. Walk east around 4 minutes (0.2 miles).
Apr 2 (Wed) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to April 9. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Apr 5 (Sat) 8:00AM-11:00AM. CLOVERLAND PARK. Cloverland Park is the site of Baltimore County's first cricket fields (the sport, not the animal) as well as being a recent reforestation site. The site has a variety of habitat so one can expect to see a range of early migratory songbirds and a variety of Raptors including an occasional Northern Harrier. This is BBC's first ever trip to this location. Trip limited to 20 participants. RSVP to the trip leader.
Leader: Noah Bers and Ed Hirsch, . GPS Pin: 39.4688812715986, -76.55028599907624.
Apr 5 (Sat) 10:30AM-12:00PM. ENOCH PRATT CENTRAL LIBRARY. Join Enoch Pratt Free Library in welcoming the Baltimore Bird Club for an engaging and informative introductory birding lecture. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, looking for a new hobby, or someone simply curious about birds, this interactive lecture explores key topics such as bird identification, birding tools, and basic bird behaviors. Participants will walk away with a feeling of appreciation for the natural world through a new lens, empowered for outdoor exploration, and a deeper connection with nature in their own backyard. This lecture will happen in advance of three library-sponsored spring migration bird-watching walks. Participants are encouraged to join us for those walks as well.Program registration is recommended but not required: Visit this website for more information:
Leader: Charisma Burrows, .
*Directions to Enoch Pratt Central Library: Enoch Pratt, Central Library, Poe Room. 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. GPS Pin: 39.29475, -76.61718.
Apr 6 (Sun) 10:00AM-2:00PM. FAMILY BIRDING: LAKE ROLAND. Lake Roland Great Spring Migration Celebration. This event is hosted by the CIty's Rec and Parks. Please come anytime/leave anytime.
Leader: Daisy Sudano, .
*Directions to Lake Roland: 1000 Lakeside Dr., Baltimore, MD, 21210.
Apr 8 (Tue) 7:00PM-9:00PM. BBC BOARD MEETING. While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Contact any club officer or board member for details.
Apr 12 (Sat) 8:00 AM-11:00 AM. SPRING MIDDLE BRANCH ROUND-UP. This walk will feature exploration of multiple hotspots around the Patapsco River's Middle Branch, including West Covington Park, Swann Park, and restored habitat along the Gwynns Falls Trail South in Ridgley's Cove (behind the Horseshoe Casino). Each of these city greenspaces, while relatively small, boasts an impressive bird list. Participants may encounter a mix of lingering waterfowl and early migrants, but the target species for this trip will be an early spring specialty, the Vesper Sparrow, which is infrequently observed in the city but has been found at all three of these city parks in mid-April. Trip limited to 15 participants; RSVP required. Contact leader for directions and detailed itinerary.
Leader: Nico Sarbanes, .
Apr 13 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. A 2 mile trail leads to a point overlooking Dundee Creek. Rarely is the trail wet or muddy. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful. Leaders: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot. GPS Pin: 39.348694, -76.370556.
Apr 13 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. HABITAT TOUR: ECCLESTON WETLAND RESTORATION SITE. The Eccleston Restoration project is an experimental stream and wetland restoration / rewilding project developed to offset environmental impacts from the I95 electronic toll lanes through Harford County. It was developed in close consultation with local stakeholders and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to preserve, restore and enhance habitats for many species, including resident and migratory birds, wild brown trout, and native aquatic species. Construction was completed in the Fall of 2022 following extensive natural resources study since 2017. It is protected forever by a conservation easement held by the North American Land Trust. Waterproof or resistant ankle boots with good tread are recommended. Tall vegetation, wet conditions, and rough terrain are common, but many flat areas and mowed paths are available for visitors who don't wish to get into the wetland. Visitors should expect to check for ticks at this time of year following the visit, and wear appropriate field attire.
Leader: Tim Carney, .
*Directions to Eccleston Wetland Restoration Site: From the north half of 695, get off at the Park Heights exit and proceed north. Turn left onto Greenspring Valley Road, then left immediately into the stone construction access road and park in the grass / mulch lot available there at the southwest corner of the intersection. Additional paved / low ground clearance vehicle parking is available on the shoulder of Park Heights or Greenspring Valley. GPS Pin: 39.41048, -76.73124.
Apr 19 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. ENOCH PRATT CANTON BRANCH. Join us for this Spring Bird-Watching Walk in Canton Waterfront Park led by experts from the Baltimore Bird Club. Participants will engage in the basics of urban bird watching, learn tips and tricks for spotting the different species, and enjoy communing with the natural settings local to our neighborhood branches. During this 2-hour program, participants will partake in a leisurely walk of roughly 1 to 2 miles. Attendees should prepare for walking on varied terrain, as well as being out in the elements - birds love all kinds of weather, so this event will be rain or shine. Binoculars and field guides will be provided; however, patrons are encouraged to bring their own should they already own them to receive pointers from experts. Note: This walk will begin and end at the Canton Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. All levels of birding experience are welcome! Space for this program is limited; registration required: For more information, visit this
Leader: Charisma Burrows, .
*Directions to Enoch Pratt Canton Branch: Enoch Pratt Canton Branch, 1030 S. Ellwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224. GPS Pin: 39.28045, -76.57296.
Apr 19 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to April 26. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule. Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
Apr 19 (Sat) 7:30AM-11:00AM. HABITAT TOUR: MASONVILLE COVE ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING CENTER. Masonville Cove is a 52-acre restoration site in Curtis Bay and has also been designated as the nation's first Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership. In addition to pointing out the wide variety of birds here, we'll also be interpreting the various restoration efforts that have taken place onsite. This event will involve walking approximately 2 miles on a dirt/gravel road. Muddy conditions are possible. The event will be canceled in the event of inclement weather or very high winds. Trip limit 15; RSVP required.
Leader: Tim Carney, .
*Directions to Masonville Cove Environmental Learning Center: Directions are on the Masonville website or use Maps for 1000 Frankfurst Avenue, Baltimore MD 21226. GPS Pin: 39.243060, -76.594400.
Apr 22 (Tue). CARBON FREE EARTH DAY. Take the opportunity to look for birds around your home or neighborhood, or venture farther afield by foot, bicycle or transit in honor of Earth Day! As you bird, we also encourage you to consider whether your surroundings are friendly to birds, pedestrians, and bikers.
Leader: Mirat Shah and Toby Pessoa Gingerich, .
Apr 26 (Sat) 7:30AM-10:30AM. SERENITY RIDGE. Please join Serenity Ridge and Baltimore Bird Club for a partnered habitat hike and birding walk through the trails of Serenity Ridge. Serenity Ridge has an impressive array of fields, old field, and primary riparian forest habitats. There are over 3 miles of trails over somewhat hilly terrain. Trails are a mix of gravel, mowed grass, and dirt (which may be muddy), and we may encounter a couple of small stream crossings. Expect a variety of birds, including raptors and sparrows. RSVP required.
Leader: Frank Marenghi, .
*Directions to Serenity Ridge: 2406 Ridge Road, Windsor Mill, MD 21244: ** Ridge Road NOT Ritter Road --> people/Map Apps have been mixing these two roads up! From I-695: Follow I-695 to Security Blvd in Woodlawn. Take exit 17 (Woodlawn) from I-695 and head west towards Rolling Road. Follow Security Blvd for 0.4 miles and turn right onto Rolling Road. Keep Straight on Rolling Road until you pass the BP gas station and Walgreens to make a left onto Dogwood Rd. Then make a right onto Ridge Rd and your destination will be on your left (after Diamond Ridge golf course which will be on your right). From MD-32 West, take exit 16A to merge onto US-29 N/Columbia Pike toward Columbia/Town Center. Follow US-29 N until you reach Rogers Ave. Make a left onto Rodgers Ave and continue to the traffic circle and the 3rd exit onto Old Frederick Rd. Continue to Hollifield Road, drive to the stop sign and make a right onto Dogwood for 1.0 mile and then make a left onto Ridge Road and your destination will be on your left. GPS Pin: 39.32883, -76.788751.
Apr 26 (Sat) 8:00AM-11:00AM. LAKE ROLAND'S BLUE TRAIL AND OLD RUGBY FIELD. Explore a new side of Lake Roland! This walk will focus on finding warblers and other neotropical migrants, as well as year-round and early summer arrivals. We'll start by walking around a former rugby field, which is now a wild meadow, and explore two small side trails down to Roland Run. The walk is approximately .7 miles on even, but occasionally muddy terrain. We'll return to the parking area, at which point participants can leave, or continue onto the Blue Trail which leads to the central parts of Lake Roland (approximately 1.8m total). The Blue Trail is an out-and-back trail along the upper Jones Falls and has some of the best warbler habitat in the area. We'll meet at the trailhead of the Rugby Field and parking is available along L'Hirondelle Club Rd, in any spot that is not identified as club parking only. This includes a number of spaces just past and adjoining the tennis courts. Trip limited to 15 participants. RSVP to leader required.
Leader: Sam Tillman, .
*Directions to Lake Roland: From I-83/JFX: Take exit 12 for Ruxton Rd East, turn right onto LHirondelle Club Rd. to 7611 LHirondelle Club Rd, Towson, MD 21204. GPS Pin: 39.39509, -76.64626.
Apr 26 (Sat) 8:00AM-9:30AM. PATTERSON PARK. Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full of surprises. For directions, contact Audubon at . Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Patterson Park: From downtown Baltimore, drive east on Pratt Street until you dead end at South Patterson Park Avenue. Turn right onto S. Patterson Park Avenue. Turn left on Eastern Ave. Park on Eastern Ave near the 2500-2600 block. The nearest cross street is Luzerne Ave. Follow paths into the park heading north. The boat lake is west of the baseball fields. We will meet at the south end, which is closest to Eastern Ave. GPS Pin: 39.287061, -76.580573.
Apr 26 (Sat) 6:30PM-8:30PM. EVENING AT NORTH POINT FOR RAILS. Many secretive marsh birds like bitterns and rails become more active and vocal in the late afternoon and early evening. Some continue singing throughout the night. Because of this, we're hosting the first-ever evening walk at Black Marsh in hopes of hearing (and hopefully seeing!) some of these birds which are otherwise tricky to see in the middle of the day. Target species include American Bittern, Least Bittern, Virginia Rail, Sora, Marsh Wren, and maybe even Seaside Sparrow. This trip is entirely weather-dependent and will be canceled in the event of rain, heavy overcast conditions, or high winds. Trip limited to 15 participants. Trip also limited to BBC members. RSVP to trip leader required.
Leader: Tim Carney, .
*Directions to North Point State Park: From Baltimore Beltway, I-695 take Exit 42, North Point Boulevard, toward Sparrows Point. Make an immediate left onto Bethlehem Rd., and keep right onto North Point Rd. Go through the town of Edgemere and keep going, past Millers Island Rd., until you see the signs for North Point State Park on the left. Go in the entrance, parking will be on left after toll kiosk. Please RSVP. GPS Pin: 39.220991, -76.430216.
Apr 27 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. MILFORD MILL. A memorial walk in honor of Leslie Starr, who led many walks here. Milford Mill Park, called Villa Nova Park on some maps, is located just inside the Baltimore Beltway northwest of Baltimore City. The park, about 95 acres, features a level one-mile loop trail through the woods, half of it alongside the Gwynns Falls stream. The roar of the Baltimore Beltway is not far away, especially near the parking lot, but nevertheless Milford Mill is one of the best passerine migrant traps in the Baltimore metropolitan area. As of fall 2023, 34 species of warbler have been reported at the park. Limit 15 people. RSVP to leader required.
Leader: Nico Sarbanes, .
*Directions to Millford Mill Park: From the Baltimore Beltway/I-695, take Exit 18 and go west on MD Route 26/Liberty Road. Make a right at the first traffic light to go north on Washington Avenue. Washington Avenue ends at Milford Mill Road; at that point, turn right (east) onto Milford Mill Road. The small parking area for the Park is on the right immediately after the overpass. GPS Pin: 39.360030, -76.742683.
*Transit Directions to Millford Mill Park: Accessible by LocalLink #81 which starts at Millford Mill Metro station. Get down at Millford Mill road and Scotts Level road bus stop. Stop is outside park.
MAY 2025
May 3 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. ENOCH PRATT GOVANS BRANCH. Join us for this Spring Bird-Watching Walk in Chinquapin Run Park led by experts from the Baltimore Bird Club. Participants will engage in the basics of urban bird watching, learn tips and tricks for spotting the different species, and enjoy communing with the natural settings local to our neighborhood branches. During this 2-hour program, participants will partake in a leisurely walk of roughly 1 to 2 miles. Attendees should prepare for walking on varied terrain, as well as being out in the elements - birds love all kinds of weather, so this event will be rain or shine. Binoculars and field guides will be provided; however, patrons are encouraged to bring their own should they already own them to receive pointers from experts. Note: This walk will begin and end at the Govans Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. All levels of birding experience are welcome! Space for this program is limited; registration required:
For more information, visit this website:
Leader: Nico Sarbanes, .
*Directions to Enoch Pratt Govans Branch: Enoch Pratt Govans Branch, 5714 Bellona Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21212. GPS Pin: 39.35976, -76.61119.
May 3 (Sat) 8:00AM-11:00AM. WYMAN PARK. This Baltimore City park is very birdy during spring and fall migration. Expect to see a variety of migrants. The one-mile dirt path is somewhat steep in places and can be muddy. We'll meet at the Remington Ave. Bridge above Wyman Park Drive. Canceled in bad weather. RSVP required.
Leader: Libby Errickson, .
*Directions to Wyman Park: From I-83, take exit 7 for 28th Street. Merge onto W 28th St. Turn left onto Sisson St. Pass by Burger King (on the right). Continue onto Keswick Rd. Turn right onto W 33rd St. Go past 500 block of W. 33rd St. and park on the right. Entrance to Stony Run Trail is on right (south) side of street. GPS Pin: 39.32695, -76.62611.
*Transit Directions to Wyman Park: Accessible by LocalLink #21 and #94. Get down at 33rd street and Beech avenue bus stop. Stop is at rendezvous point.
May 4 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. HERRING RUN PARK. This urban park in Northeast Baltimore is an oasis for many migrating and resident bird species. Easy walking on mostly flat, paved paths. Habitats include open fields, edge habitats, wooded areas, and Herring Run itself. RSVP required.
Leader: Kim Tomko, or 443-414-8034.
*Directions to Herring Run: From Baltimore Beltway I-695 take exit 32A to merge onto US-1 S/Belair Rd toward Overlea. Go 4.2 miles, make right on Chesterfield Ave., go 0.7 miles, park along Chesterfield Ave. near the intersection of Harford Rd. Meet on Chesterfield Ave. near the intersection of Harford Rd. GPS Pin: 39.331229, -76.579189.
*Transit Directions to Herring Run: Accessible by LocalLink #54. Get down at Harford road and Kentucky avenue and walk 2 minutes (0.1 mile) North on Harford Road till you hit the intersection of Chesterfield ave and Harford road. Several other CityLink routes as well as metro from nearby Mondawmin Metro Station are available as alternate routes.
May 6 (Tue) 7:00PM-9:00PM. TUESDAY EVENING LECTURE: RAPTOR QUEST. Scott Harris spent 17 months, chasing 53 Raptors across 34 states'his version of a Raptor Big Year. His book Raptor Quest
is about his adventures and misadventures, his successes and failures. From -36 degree days, to ones over 100 degrees, to just getting on the bird in time, to the frustrations of missing one by minutes.
It's about the birds, of course, but it's also about the people he met, the things he learned, and why he's already working on his next adventure.
*Directions to Greenhouse Classroom, Cylburn Arboretum: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, go south on I-83 Jones Falls Expressway. Take Northern Parkway Exit west (right). Go about .5 mile up the hill to the traffic light, turn left on Greenspring Avenue. Go about .25 mile, just past first Rd. intersection, and turn left through stone gate entrance into Cylburn Arboretum grounds. Follow the drive to circle in front of the Vollmer Center building. Go most of the way around the circle to enter the parking area. Go through first parking lot and continue north, following sign to Greenhouse Classroom. Park in lot opposite Greenhouse Classroom. GPS Pin: 39.35364, -76.65397.
*Transit Directions to Greenhouse Classroom, Cylburn Arboretum: Accessible by Local Bus #91 which runs between Mondawmin Metro Station and Mt. Sinai Hopsital. Several CityLink routes and Metro connect to Mondawmin Metro Station. When on #91, get off at bus stop - Cylburn avenue and Greenspring avenue. Walk east around 4 minutes (0.2 miles).
May 7 (Wed) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to May 14. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule.
Leader: Mary Chetelat, 443-564-6551.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
*Transit Directions to Fort McHenry: Accessible by CharmCity Circulator: Banner Route as well as LocalLink #94. Get down at terminating stop just outside Fort McHenry. Walk 5 minutes (0.3 miles) through gates to get to rendezvous point in parking lot.
May 8 (Thu) 8:00AM-11:00AM. ORIOLES AT CROMWELL VALLEY PARK. Cromwell in early May is an excellent place to see/hear Baltimore and Orchard Orioles. 10+ Baltimore Orioles very possible. Meet at the Willow Grove parking lot.
Leader: Mark Linardi, or 443-834-8413.
*Directions to Cromwell Valley Park: From Baltimore Beltway, I-695 inner loop (eastbound), take Exit 29A Cromwell Bridge Rd. At the end of the entrance ramp, turn left to head northeast on Cromwell Bridge Rd. From the beltway outer loop (westbound), take Exit 29 ramp down to Cromwell Bridge Rd. Turn left to head northeast on Cromwell Bridge Rd. Once on Cromwell, continue 1.4 miles beyond the light, turn left at the second CVP entrance, "Willow Grove Farm." Follow entrance road, cross a small bridge, and park in the lot on left. For a safer turn (better visibility), you can turn left at the
first CVP entrance, "Sherwood Farm," go up the long, windy entrance drive, and park behind th Sherwood House. Then walk the paved park road ("pedestrians only") east to the Willow Grove parking lot. Allow 5-10 minutes for the walk. GPS Pin: 39.416843, -76.547038.
May 10 (Sat) MAY COUNT. Here's your opportunity to count birds in a Baltimore City or Baltimore County territory of your choice on one of the best migration dates of the year. Feeder bird watchers are also welcome. Contact the coordinator ahead of time to avoid duplication. Coordinator: Libby Errickson,
Leader: Libby Errickson, .
May 11 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. A 2 mile trail leads to a point overlooking Dundee Creek. Rarely is the trail wet or muddy. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful. Leaders: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot. GPS Pin: 39.348694, -76.370556.
May 11 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. SOLDIERS DELIGHT. Expect to see a wide variety of migrating songbirds at Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area in Owings Mills. Meet at the Overlook on Deer Park Rd. We will cover 1.5- 2 miles of sometimes rocky terrain. Trails can be muddy if the weather has been wet. RSVP to leader.
Leader: Sarah Luttrell, .
*Directions to Soldier's Delight NEA: From I-695 Beltway, take Exit 18 Liberty Rd. west 4 miles. Bear right onto Deer Park Rd. just before traffic light and water tower. Go approximately 2 miles and past the entrance to the Visitor Center to Overlook parking on your left. GPS Pin: 39.414365, -76.835797.
May 13 (Tue) 7:00PM-9:00PM. BBC BOARD MEETING. While only authorized board members have a vote, any club member is welcome to attend and participate in discussions. Contact any club officer or board member for details.
May 17 (Sat) 7:00AM-7:00PM. BIG SIT: PATTERSON PARK. Please join the Baltimore Bird Club in stopping by to participate in the "Patterson Park Big Sit." This is an event for all abilities and experience. Beginning birders welcome! The goal of a "Big Sit" is to see or hear as many birds as possible from within a 17-foot diameter circle which is conveniently the approx. area of the Boat Lake boardwalk fishing platform space. The Boat Lake is one of birdiest locations within the park, where we can expect to find a variety of late migrants, resident birds, and whatever drops in! RSVP to the trip leader if you have an approximate time that you plan to participate, otherwise, drop-in participation is welcome. Bring water, snacks, sunscreen ' anything you need to be comfortable. Your own chair is helpful but there are built-in benches on the platform as well.
Leader: Bud Poole, .
*Directions to Patterson Park: Meet at Patterson Park Boat Lake Boardwalk. From downtown Baltimore, drive east on Pratt Street until you dead end at South Patterson Park Avenue. Turn right on to S. Patterson Park Avenue. Turn left on Eastern Ave. Park on Eastern Ave near the 2500-2600 block. The nearest cross street is Luzerne Ave. Follow paths into the park heading north. The boat lake is west of the softball fields. We will be set up on the widest portion of the Boat Lake Boardwalk. GPS Pin: 39.28871, -76.58080.
May 17 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. ENOCH PRATT SOUTHEAST ANCHOR BRANCH. Join us for this Spring Bird-Watching Walk in Patterson Park led by experts from the Baltimore Bird Club. Participants will engage in the basics of urban bird watching, learn tips and tricks for spotting the different species, and enjoy communing with the natural settings local to our neighborhood branches.During this 2-hour program, participants will partake in a leisurely walk of roughly 1 to 2 miles. Attendees should prepare for walking on varied terrain, as well as being out in the elements - birds love all kinds of weather, so this event will be rain or shine.Binoculars and field guides will be provided; however, patrons are encouraged to bring their own should they already own them to receive pointers from experts. Note: This walk will begin and end at the Southeast Anchor Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. All levels of birding experience are welcome! Space for this program is limited;
registration required: For more information, visit this website:
Leader: Nico Sarbanes, .
*Directions to Enoch Pratt Southeast Anchor Branch: Enoch Pratt Southeast Anchor Branch, 3601 Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21224. GPS Pin: 39.28652, -76.56670.
May 17 (Sat) 9:00AM-11:00AM. FORT McHENRY. Continuing survey of bird activity at the Fort. Binoculars required. A telescope can be useful for distance viewing. Canceled in bad weather and walk will be rescheduled to May 24. General grounds include the paved Seawall Trail. Meet in the large grassy unpaved roped off parking lot to left of gate. An online National Aquarium release form is required to be filled out in advance for entry into the restricted Wetland area: Please follow any COVID-19 protocols listed for Baltimore City at Please contact walk leader 24 hours in advance to confirm attendance and any changes to the walk schedule. Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
Leader: Wendy Alexander, 443-204-3754.
*Directions to Fort McHenry: From I-95, take Hanover Street Exit 55 (McComas Street) east (last exit before tunnel eastbound, first after tunnel westbound), north (left) on Key Highway which turns west, first left Lawrence Street, left (east) on Fort Avenue and continue east to the entrance gate into Fort McHenry. Alternate route: Take the JFX, I-83 south to St Paul Street exit. Go south on St Paul until it becomes Light Street. Turn left (east) onto Fort Avenue and continue to the end and entrance gate as above. You may also follow the site directions from Fort McHenry web page. Please note: Access to Restricted Wetland Area -- Due to the conditions that you will encounter on trails in this waterfront/marsh environment with natural water barriers such as rocks and tree limbs, please plan to wear sturdy footwear such as working or hiking boots or trail shoes and use caution. Please avoid contact with water or debris along trails. GPS Pin: 39.265341, -76.583458.
May 18 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. GWYNNS FALLS/LEAKIN PARK. Please join us for birding in Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park; a 1,200 acre wilderness park in west Baltimore City. The park contains mature and secondary forest as well as riparian habitats and some limited field habitat. Meet at the Winans Meadows parking lot at 4500 Franklintown Road, 21229. It is recommended that you register by email at, so that you may be updated in case of changes.
Leader: Elise and Paul Kreiss , (410) 367-8194, or .
*Directions to Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 16 Route I-70 towards Baltimore to end ' just before the very end, take the ramp on the right, which will loop around onto Security Boulevard. Take a right at the first light onto Forest Park, then right onto Franklintown Road. Go about 1.4 miles. The parking lot entrance will be on your left.
*Transit Directions to Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park: Accessible by LocalLink route #79. Get down at Clifton Rd. and Mondawmin Ave. stop, head south on Talbot Ave, in 1 block turn left to stay on Talbot, then sharp right onto Windsor Mill Rd. In 0.3 mi, turn left onto Dickeyville Trail after crossing the bridge. In 0.3 mi, continue onto Wetheredsville Rd., turn right in 0.2 mi onto Stream Trail (uphill with the railing) and follow paved trail for 0.3 miles to the parking lot.
May 24 (Sat) 8:00AM-9:30AM. DRUID HILL PARK. Join Audubon, the Baltimore Bird Club, and the Maryland Zoo to explore this leafy city park. From forest to lake, a variety of bird species awaits. For information, contact Audubon at . Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Druid Hill Park: For Audubon tours, contact to register and get directions.
*Transit Directions to Druid Hill Park: Accessible by CityLink YELLOW. Get down at Cloverdale Rd. and Madison Ave. stop. Walk 1 block north on Madison and cross Druid Lake Drive to Swann Drive. Continue for 0.3 mi. then continue right onto East Dr. Meeting point is across from the administration buidling in 0.5 mi.
May 24 (Sat) 10:00AM-4:00PM. FAMILY BIRDING: DELAWARE BAY. "Shore Birds & the Horseshoe Crab"- We will meet at the Dupont Nature Center in DE at 10am to see the millions of shorebirds that rely on the spawning of thousands of horseshoe crabs. A phenomenon you must see! After visiting the Du Pont Nature Center, we will drive along Shore Rd and stop at several locations to walk up to the beach and observe the birds and horseshoe crabs. RSVP required.
Leader: Daisy Sudano, .
*Directions to Delaware Bay: Take I-97 S from Baltimore, merge left onto US-50 E; in 25 mi. keep right for US-50; in 7 mi, left onto MD-404 E; in 13.5 mi. take MD-619 exit to MD-313; left on 313. In 0.8 mi, right onto MD-317. Continue onto DE-14 20 mi. total, then left on Church Hill Rd. In 0.8 mi, right onto DE-1 S. In 3.4 mi, exit for DE-36, turn left; in 4.6 mi, left onto Lighthouse Rd, park in lot in 1 mi. Address is 2992 Lighthouse Rd., Milford, DE 19963. GPS Pin: 38.94761, -75.31512.
May 27 (Tue) 8:00AM-11:00AM. LAKE ROLAND. Last in a series of weekly walks following the progress of spring migration in Lake Roland's varied habitats. Meet at the Light Rail Parking Lot (Boardwalk entrance to the park). Check with leader if weather is extreme (rain, wind).
Leader: Laura Lechtzin, .
*Directions to Lake Roland: From I-83: Take exit for Northern Pkwy Eastbound. Left at first light onto Falls Road. In 0.9 mi, right onto Lakeside Dr, continue straight onto Railroad Ave, park in lot. Meet at East end of lot by boardwalk. GPS Pin: 39.37672, -76.64899.
*Transit Directions to Lake Roland: Accessible by Light Rail. Get down at Falls Road train station. Boardwalk starts at East end of station parking lot.
May 31 (Sat) 8:00AM-9:30AM. PATTERSON PARK. Join Audubon and the Baltimore Bird Club to explore this urban oasis in southeast Baltimore. With more than 200 species on record, the park is full of surprises. For directions, contact Audubon at . Participants are encouraged to register in advance at
*Directions to Patterson Park: From downtown Baltimore, drive east on Pratt Street until you dead end at South Patterson Park Avenue. Turn right onto S. Patterson Park Avenue. Turn left on Eastern Ave. Park on Eastern Ave near the 2500-2600 block. The nearest cross street is Luzerne Ave. Follow paths into the park heading north. The boat lake is west of the baseball fields. We will meet at the south end, which is closest to Eastern Ave. GPS Pin: 39.287061, -76.580573.
May 31 (Sat) 11:30AM-3:00PM. ANNUAL SUMMER PICNIC: EAGLE MILL FARM. Open to all Baltimore Bird Club members and their families. Come join us for our annual cookout and explore the family property with the Gunpowder River flowing through. Enjoy swimming, fishing, playing some games, and chillaxing around the huge pond. After cleanup at 2, all are welcome to do some birding up in the meadow. To contribute to the meal and to get directions, go to, "BBC 2025 Summer Picnic," User Password: 8863, Administrator: Abbott, link: Please contact Devi Abbott 410.308.0079 (texts preferred) with any questions.
Leader: Devi Abbott, 410.308.0079, .
JUNE 2025
June 8 (Sun) 8:00AM-11:00AM. MARSHY POINT NATURE CENTER. Easy half-day walk through varied habitats for feeder birds and other songbirds, raptors, and waterfowl. A 2 mile trail leads to a point overlooking Dundee Creek. Rarely is the trail wet or muddy. All are welcome, including families. Telescopes useful. Leaders: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
Leader: Brent and Mary Byers, or 410-686-7294.
*Directions to Marshy Point Nature Center: From Baltimore Beltway I-695, take Exit 36, Route 702. Take 2nd exit, Chase/Eastern Boulevard, Route 150 east. Go 6 miles. Turn right at Marshy Point sign. Go 1/2 mile, turn left into Nature Center parking lot. GPS Pin: 39.348694, -76.370556.
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